Learn about the attributes of birds and discover why these diverse animals are important. See live birds up close and examine bird artifacts like beaks, wings, and feathers. Also, hike our trails and look for birds in their natural environment. Extended program participants may choose from activities such as additional demonstrations, crafts, and nature games.

Grades K - 7th

Group Minimum 10

Duration 2 Hours Fee $15.00/participant (children and adults)

Extended Program Duration 2.5-3 hours Fee $20/participant (children and adults)




  • Identify the major characteristics of birds, including beaks, feet, feathers and wings. 

  • Identify adaptations that allow birds to survive and reproduce in their environments. 

  • Observe birds, such as our ambassador red-tailed hawk and quail, up close and look for wild birds in their native habitats. 

  • Do a bird-themed craft or activity that connects bird characteristics and science TEKS to other learning. 


  • Bird- a vertebrate animal that: has feathers, a beak, and wings and is warm-blooded and lays hard-shelled eggs; most birds also have a lightweight (hollow) skeleton

  • Warm-blooded - able to regulate its body temperature and generate its own heat - endothermic

  • Adaptation - a structure (body part) or behavior that helps a plant or animal survive in its environment

  • Camouflage - coloration or shape that helps an animal blend into its habitat

  • Predator – an animal that hunts for and eats other animals

  • Prey – an animal that is hunted and eaten by other animals

  • Raptor - a bird with a sharp beak and talons that hunts for other animals - a bird of prey

Programs are adjusted to be age appropriate. All programs address the Science TEKS goal of engaging students in hands-on investigations of the natural world.

For specific, grade-level TEKS that may be included in our programs, see our Science TEKS chart below. 

Please see the group field trips for more information about scheduling a field trip